Date Announcement
3/1 OpenAI: ChatGPT and Whisper API
3/6 Google: Universal Speech Model
3/10 Google: PaLM-E
3/14 Anthropic: Claude
3/14 Google: PaLM API & Workspace
3/14 OpenAI: GPT-4
3/15 Baidu: ERNIE Bot
3/15 Midjourney: Midjourney V5
3/16 Microsoft: Microsoft 365 Copilot
3/21 Google: Bard
3/21 Microsoft: Bing Image Creator
3/22 GitHub: Copilot X
3/23 OpenAI: ChatGPT Plugins

And for bookkeeping, a relevant collection for February.

Date Announcement
2/6 Google: Bard announcement
2/9 Meta: Toolformer
2/13 Google: Vision Transformer 22B
2/7 Microsoft: Bing Chat
2/22 Microsoft: Bing announcement on mobile and Skype
2/24 Meta: LLaMA